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What is a SECO Licenсe & how can AF help foreign agencies in Switzerland?

    Access Financial_SECO License

    What is a SECO Licenсe & how can AF help foreign agencies in Switzerland?

    Switzerland is a rich market with an established demand for highly skilled personnel, and many companies are looking to hire international recruiters in order to expand their workforce and employ people from around the globe.

    Regardless of the nationality of a contractor, it is illegal for non-Swiss recruitment agencies to hire for a Swiss client without holding a labour leasing, or SECO, license. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs is the Swiss authority that determines Swiss and labour leasing regulations, terms and conditions Therefore international recruiters typically retain a SECO licensed company (such as Access Financial) to perform the employment and leasing function. The license is cantonal specific, meaning that some licenses may only cover you for Zurich or perhaps Geneva etc. Access Financial hold a Federal SECO license that covers the whole of the Swiss region.

    As a labour leasing company, we handle all legal and contractual matters for companies, recruitment agencies, and contractors. Our services provide benefits for the employer by ensuring compliance with local laws, benefits for the recruitment agency by keeping clients satisfied, and benefits for the contractor by maximizing earnings through legal means and reducing tax and social security burdens.

    If you are looking to make temporary or permanent hires in Switzerland, we can assist you.

    Contact us at:

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: CH: +41 22 365 4620  |  UK: +44 20 7017 3110  |  CY: +357 25 820 640