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What is an AUG Licenсe & how can we help contractors in Germany?

In certain European countries, it is mandatory for agencies and/or umbrella companies to possess a specific labour leasing license in order to legally lend their candidates to end user without the end user becoming the official employer of the contracted employee. These countries include Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium, which require the AUG, SECO, and Interim licenses respectively. Access Financial holds these licenses, which sets us apart from other local companies operating in these regions.

In Germany, an AUG (Arbeitnemeruberlassung) License is a must-have requirement for companies wishing to hire foreign contractors. Non-compliance with AUG labour leasing regulations is a serious offence and can end in unfavourable consequences for all parties involved. Which means that if you are working as a contactor in Germany, it is of utmost importance to do everything by the book.

The AUG license is a great method for companies in Germany to offer temporary employment and avoid the cost and complexity of hiring a formal full-time employee.

Another thing an AUG license does, is put forward labour laws that allow for certain benefits for contractors on par with official employees, such as equal pay, up to 30 days of paid holidays, paid sick leave, and tax-deductible expenses. Also, since it is mandatory for any type of workers in Germany to have health insurance, companies with an AUG license will contribute for you to public health insurance, or alternatively pay you an allowance so you can obtain personal health insurance from an approved supplier instead.

With Access Financial, you can let go of the headache of going through all the required legal and compliance information with a fine-toothed comb and make the risk of negative consequences completely negligible. We have a local company with a fully functioning AUG license in Germany, and the knowledge base to make sure that your work stays compliant with all required regulations. We will deal with all the paperwork regarding your employment, keep up to date on your income tax and social contributions, and provide you with a paycheck every month in a timely manner.

If you would like to learn more about our solutions in Germany, feel free to contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

Tel: CH: +41 22 365 4620  |  UK: +44 20 7017 3110  |  CY: +357 25 820 640