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Swiss Outsourcing for Recruitment Agencies

Access Financial offers outsourcing services to foreign-based recruitment businesses working with Swiss companies, providing the necessary cantonal and SECO licences. These businesses prefer to focus on their recruitment activities and outsource the back-office work to Access Financial.

Outsourcing offers several benefits, including the ability to quickly scale up businesses without investing time, people, and money into gaining experience and expertise. Experience and expertise are gained over time and often involve making mistakes. It makes sense for our clients to avoid wasting time and making errors by focusing on the areas of their business with which they are most familiar and which bring them profit.

Access Financial has been operating in the Swiss market since 2003, and its staff have extensive experience. This combined knowledge allows us to perform or facilitate various tasks, including accounting, advising on Third Pillar pension top-ups, applying for cantonal and federal labour-leasing licences, company incorporation, factoring services, HR services, introducing suitable insurers for business insurance in Switzerland, payroll running and setup, preparing salary simulations and Key Information Documents (KIDs), providing a registered office, and offering the financial guarantees required for licences from financial institutions. We also help in setting up Second Pillar Occupational Pension Schemes and VAT registration.

We do not provide audit, tax advice, or tax return services, but we can introduce clients to our professional advisers or suggest they use their auditors.

We have observed our clients thriving in the Swiss market by successfully navigating the differences between Switzerland and their home markets. Switzerland, as a non-EU member, operates within its own strictly regulated labour-leasing framework.

If you would like to learn more about our services and solutions in Switzerland, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call us at +41 22 365 4620.